Voice over Internet Protocol or simply referred to as VOIP for short is the term for making telephone calls over a data network. This data network could be the one that links all of your companies branches together.
VOIP provides more functionality than a traditional analog telephone system. The phone calls then become pieces of data passing over a network, this makes extending the functionality of the communications system easy. One example of this is on a traditional analog telephone system to retrieve a voicemail message you had to be sitting at your desk in the office with physical access to your telephone, with a VOIP communications system you can have that same voicemail message delivered to your email, to a company intranet, delivered to the phone on your desk or to any device that is VOIP capable for example a handheld diary.
The cost savings are another great benefit of deploying a VOIP communications system in your business. By diverting calls between your branches we can remove all the costs associated with inter-branch communication. Also if a user in Auckland was to make a call to a number in Wellington the call would travel from Auckland to Wellington over the network and will break out in Wellington for the price of a local call.